When you are preparing for your new arrival, it can sometimes be a little overwhelming. You will be bombarded with ideas and suggestions about what things you need or should have.
While it always helps to be organized, you don’t need to go out and buy everything. Many people often go out and spend a lot of money on things they don’t really need. Do your research and speak with your trusted friends. These newborn baby kit ideas will help you identify the essentials which will make your life a little bit easier when the little one arrives.
Labor Kit
One of the most important things you can do is prepare a baby bag to take to the hospital with you. This is sometimes called a go-bag. You will need clothing, a few toiletries, a copy of your birth plan, hair ties, and anything else you’ll want to have at the hospital.
Diapers are one item that you will definitely need. Babies feed regularly throughout the day, and that means that they will poo and pee frequently. That means a lot of diaper changes, so definitely go out and get a supply of good quality diapers.
Changing Time Essentials
Wipes are great for cleaning your baby’s delicate skin in many different situations. For diaper changes, you should get a changing mat.
Feeding Kit
What you need depends on whether you decide to breastfeed or use formula. If you opt for breastfeeding, you will need a nursing bra, nursing cover, and breast pads. For formula, you will need bottles, teats, bottle brushes, and a sterilizing kit.
Cleaning Kit
Muslin Cloths and Bibs are essential items for your newborn baby kit. They help to clean your baby’s chin after feeding or winding.
Cot or Moses Basket
Babies sleep a lot, so they will need a comfortable place to get some much-needed shut-eye. Initially, they might not like the idea of sleeping alone, but it is better for everyone in the long run if you start getting them into a routine at an early stage.
Dressing up a newborn is an area where parents, families, and friends tend to get very excited. Onesies are adorable and also very comfortable for your little one, especially around nap time. Other items that are worth having are vests, socks, scratch mitts, and a hat.
Car Seat
It is always a great idea to purchase and fit your baby’s car seat before they arrive. This will save you time and frustration after the delivery. Remember that there are specific car seats for newborns and that they should be rear-facing.
In the first few weeks, you and your baby are probably going to want to relax as much as possible. But, once you start feeling stronger, it is really lovely to go for walks with your baby. Having a stroller will help you get out and about without it interrupting any sleep routines. And, if your baby is awake, they will be surrounded by all sorts of exciting new stimuli.