There is nothing worse than seeing your young one suffering from an illness, no matter how mild it is, but unfortunately, it is something we will experience as parents regardless of how healthy our little ones are in general. Thankfully, due to advancements in medicine, many serious diseases are proving less fatal than in the past, particularly polio, tetanus, and diphtheria—all significant sources of infant fatality in the past.
One reason for this is the development of vaccines, which enable us to build immunity to these dangerous diseases. The majority of these vaccinations are administered to children at different ages according to a set schedule. While the experience can be upsetting at the time, childhood immunizations give your child a solid foundation to grow into healthy adults.
Safety First
As mentioned above, the experience of receiving a vaccine is often upsetting for the child and can lead to many hours of crying, especially in newborns; however, this short-term pain is far preferable to the potential alternatives.
When your child is born, they have some protection from certain germs, but as they don’t have a fully functioning immune system and are susceptible to childhood illnesses. Immunizations give your child a helping hand by developing immunity to a whole host of contagious diseases that their immune system would struggle to fight against without.
For example, the flu can confine adults to bed, but with rest and fluids, they usually make a speedy recovery. For babies, the flu can potentially be a medical emergency, as they don’t have the strength to fight the virus. That is why the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) recommends babies be vaccinated against the flu as young as six months old.
Long-Term Benefits
Childhood illnesses can greatly impact the future health and life trajectory of your child, especially if they contract a serious condition. Many conditions can lead to disabilities, which have a massive financial impact on the family and also affects the ability of you and your child to lead a full life.
It is not only medical bills that can be a problem if your child gets sick, but you may also have to take time off work, and your child will obviously miss school time. In the case of a serious illness, this can be a big problem for families regarding the financial implication, the educational development of your child, and your career progression as well.
Ensuring that your child is immunized reduces the risk of them contracting these diseases and the complications that accompany them, allowing them to grow as they should. Vaccinations are readily available, and there are even plans in place to help those with little or no insurance.
Protect Others Around You
Kids spread germs; this is a fact of life! It is common for illnesses to spread around preschools and elementary schools, but these are mainly mild stomach bugs or colds that won’t cause any lasting damage. However, if a child with a controllable disease enters the school environment, this could have disastrous consequences.
Luckily, most states require kids to have physicals before starting at a new school, and there are clear guidelines in place to protect the community. Making sure that your child is vaccinated not only protects your child but the community at large, especially if everyone gets on board.
Need More Information?
Childhood illnesses and immunizations can be very worrying for parents, so it is essential that you receive the necessary information from an expert pediatrician group to ensure your peace of mind and the well-being of your child.