Infant vomiting is something that happens on a fairly regular basis in kids’ early years. There are numerous reasons for this, and most bouts usually last no longer than a couple of days.
Most of the time, it’s nothing to worry about and is just a part of their general development. But we are well aware that that won’t stop you from worrying about whether your child is sick or has an upset stomach. To give you some peace of mind, we have put together this quick guide to infant vomiting.
Reasons for Infant Vomiting
Babies tend to have very sensitive stomachs, and a young body may vomit to get rid of some substances that it doesn’t like. However, there are a few things that you need to pay attention to, as they may indicate an underlying condition. If you notice any of the following, you will need to speak with your pediatrician:
- Blood or bile in the vomit
- Severe tummy pain
- Swollen or enlarged abdomen
- Repeated, forceful vomiting
- Bloody stools
- Dehydration and inability to drink fluids
- Lethargy and listlessness
- Excessive irritability
- Severe headaches and stiff neck
The Main Culprits
As mentioned above, in the vast majority of cases, vomiting is more of a growing pain than anything serious. We will take a quick look at some of the main culprits below.
Gastroenteritis — The most common reason for infant vomiting is a tummy bug caused by an infection in the digestive tract. It can be caused by bacteria or a virus and can cause stomach pain, diarrhea, and vomiting. While it can leave your little one feeling miserable, it usually sorts itself out after a few days.
Food Intolerance — Your baby may start vomiting if they come into contact with food or drink that she is allergic to. This can happen if they eat or drink it directly, or—if you breastfeed—something that you have eaten. The reaction will usually happen quite quickly after eating and will be accompanied by other symptoms such as a rash, diarrhea, or swelling of the mouth, nose, and eyes.
Burping — Babies may bring up some of their stomach’s contents when you are burping them, so be prepared! This is pretty common in babies under the age of one; thus, the only thing you should worry about is making sure that you have a cloth in place when you are burping them after feeding. However, if this happens regularly or it is quite forceful, it might indicate some underlying condition that would require a checkup by your doctor.
What Should I Do if My Baby Is Vomiting?
If your baby isn’t displaying any of the symptoms above, just make sure they are well-hydrated. Keep an eye on their symptoms and try to feed as you normally would. They should start feeling better within a couple of days.
On the other hand, if your child is showing any other symptoms, such as excessive irritability or a high fever, then you should contact a medical professional immediately so they can get a checkup.