The brain is a fantastic thing! A child’s brain undergoes significant changes throughout childhood. In fact, within the first three years, their brain has reached almost 80 percent of its adult size.
Many things can have a positive or negative impact on how the brain grows, so it is a good idea to know how the brain develops in kids. In our latest post, we will take a closer look at the fascinating topic of brain growth in kids.
A Period of Huge Growth
A child’s brain starts to grow during pregnancy, but it goes through a massive period of growth. By the time they are three years old, their brains will be about 80 percent of the size of an adult’s brain. By the time they are eight years old, their brain will have reached its full size.
There are many factors that can influence the healthy development of a child’s brain. We now take a closer look at some of these factors.
Get Off to the Right Start
Your child’s brain starts to develop during pregnancy. That is why it is vital that mothers maintain a healthy and balanced diet. Your child will respond to every little change in their environment, which is why you should minimize stress. If things are difficult at home, your baby will react to that, which can lead to problems with their mental health. On the other hand, if examples of positive relationships surround them, then they will have a much stronger foundation for healthy brain development.
The Parent’s Role
You can start helping your child’s brain during pregnancy by maintaining a balanced diet. You should avoid alcohol and smoking, as these can cause developmental problems and, potentially, depression.
It is also vital that you try to minimize stress during the pregnancy, as this can have a negative impact on your baby’s brain and general health.
Once your child is born, there a few simple steps you can take to ensure that their brain develops healthily:
Balanced diet: Try to include many different kinds of nutrients. Vitamin D, Omega-3 fatty acids, and protein are all great for healthy brain development.
Nurturing environment: Loads of hugs and try to avoid having arguments in front of your child.
Playtime: Playing games and having fun is crucial for the brain’s development, and it is how your child will learn to interact with the environment.
Social interaction: Spend lots of time with your baby and encourage other members of the family to help out.
Look after yourself: This starts from pregnancy and continues throughout your child’s early years. If you are healthy and active, this can only be a positive for your little one.
Well-Child Examinations: Make sure that you attend your regular newborn and well-child exams, as this will give you an excellent opportunity to discuss your child’s development with your doctor. They will be able to provide you with invaluable advice on nutrition and things you can do at home to help their overall growth and development.